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- HistoryArthur Ramsden and his mother Elsie decided to acquire their first shop in 1968. The shop had belonged to R Milner and continued to trade in the R Milner name until a later date. In 1970 they bought out the then famous Harrisons Oyster bar, which also sold whelks and cockles by the plate. This was soon changed into a completely rebuilt unit, which then sold all varieties of shellfish. Harrisons had traded from 1869 (100years before the purchase). Trading continued until 1975 when they acquired Chapmans, a shop that had traded for well over 60 years with a mainly Jewish trade supplying quality Inshore fish. Later in 1975 on 13th December there was a disastrous fire, which burnt down two thirds of Leeds Market and the whole of the Ramsdens business. Ramsdens then set up a stall on a temporary unit made of scaffold poles and a see through plastic cover. Unbelievably poor conditions for both customers and traders born with a good heart by both. Ramsdens would like to take this opportunity to thank shoppers of Leeds and outlying districts for their support. 11 months later in late November, Ramsdens took up their new permanent site. Only 1…
- Fish & Your HealthHealthy Heart Various studies and researches have proved that the best sources of good fats, vitamins, and minerals to promote good health can actually be found in different seafoods. The only drawback is that it took so many years for most people to realize the health benefits of having seafood in their diet. So for those who still do not understand why most people are into sashimi and grilled tuna these days, just keep on reading and I will let you on to some secrets. Here’s why: Fish is your heart’s best friend. Undeniably, fish is exceptionally low-fat food. The fats contained in fish and fish oils are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids known to protect the body against heart diseases. These so called “good fats” also aid in lowering cholesterol, decreasing blood clotting factors, increasing beneficial relaxation in larger arteries and blood vessels, and decreasing the inflammatory process in blood vessels. One serving of fish two to three times per week keeps arthritis away. There have been clinical trials that have shown that one serving of fish two to three times a week can actually lessen arthritis symptoms by fighting inflammation, decreasing fatigue and…
- Our ProductsAt Ramsdens we are commited wherever possible to offer fish from sources that are responsible and sustainable. Our company is based on the belief that our customers’ needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, if there is a particular type of fish or shellfish you require then we will do our utmost to source it for you. The Very Best Consistent Quality Supported By Recorded Quality Control Procedures & Traceability Accredited by the National Federation of Fish Mongers Accredited by the National Market Traders Federation Competitive Price Structure
- Fish PreparationFresh Flat/Round Fish Fillets We cut 2 fillets from a flat fish (plaice, lemon sole etc) and Round Fish (cod, haddock, bass etc) that means you will have one fillet from the top side of the fish and another from underneath. Fresh Steaks When we steak a fish we cut across the fish so you have a cross section of the fish, with bone in the middle; these are also called cutlets. Fillet Portions These are portions cut from very large fillets. We cut and prepare individual fillet portions so they are ready for you to cook. Scaled This involves removing the scales from the fish. To be served whole fish needs scaling so you are left with the clean skin. Scaled & Pinboned We de-scale the skin side of the fillet and remove the small line of bones known as “pinbones”. This is the most common form of preparation. Skinned We remove the skin from the fish fillets. Scaled & Gutted Whole fish such sometimes needs to be gutted and have their scales removed.. Please let us know if you require a specific preparation that is…
- Sustainabilitywhich signifies our fish are sourced from sustainable and responsible fisheries Around half of all fish caught in the North Sea are thrown back overboard DEAD!! ‘European Law preserving fish stocks’ Can this law be right? We Say No! Ask experts regarding fish stocks not a politician’s opinion! Sign up to www.fishfight.net
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Ramsdens Fish have long been recognised as one of the finest fish retailers in Yorkshire, when you visit us you’re in for a treat.

Fish & Your Health
Research has proved the best source of good fats, vitamins and minerals to promote good health are found in different seafoods…

Our Products
Health experts recommend buying fish at your local fishmongers – not only is it healthier, but it is also cheaper…

Preparing Your Fish
If you shy away from buying different types of fish because you are not sure of how to prepare them we can help you…